Mining has always played a major role in Utah's economy. Minerals mined in the State include copper, gold, silver, molybdenum, zinc, lead and beryllium. Fossil fuels including coal, petroleum and natural gas also play a major role in Utah's economy. Utah is the 10th least densely populated State in the United States, leaving vast expanses nearly uninhibited.
A Fraser Institute survey of mining companies published in April 2013 ranked Utah in the top quartile of jurisdictions to do business. Utah ranked highly with respect to labour relations and regulations, political stability, infrastructure, mineral potential, fiscal regime, legal, compliance and socio-economic issues.
A study by Forbes Magazine in December of 2012 ranked Utah as the best State for business in the United States. The study measured six categories: costs, labour supply, regulatory environment, current economic climate, growth prospects and quality of life.
Utah is also a significant potash producing region with three potash production operations located in the state.
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